We’re offering Roundup Claimants with a confirmed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma diagnosis, and we’ve been getting great feedback from clients. Each claimant is guaranteed to have NHL and comes with proof of diagnosis.
Part 2: Comments From Our Fulfillment Department
We’ve been signing up Roundup claimants for several years now, so we asked our fulfillment department for some comments:
The disease list has been tightened by most law firms- now only Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and its various sub-types are qualifying.
The required amount of exposure to Roundup has also been tightened. Previously, law firms were not requiring a minimum number of uses to meet the exposure requirement, but in 2022 most law firms began requiring at least 10 individual exposures within 2 years.
Early cases didn’t have latency requirements, but for the last few years most firms are requiring at least a 1 year latency between diagnosis and first exposure.
Compared to Paraquat, Roundup claimants are more likely to have been exposed to the product for personal use, i.e., on home gardens, than for large commercial properties. Roundup is also highly available at many stores and is sold without the need of a pesticide license, making exposure easier to prove. Eligible claimants must still report where they purchased Roundup, store name and address. Pursuing the actual store and its physical location, rather than just a type of store, helps ensure a valid claim.
The gender breakdown of signed Roundup cases handled by our team is roughly 60% men and 40% women. This could correlate with the fact that men have a slightly higher risk of developing NHL than do women, or it may be that men are being exposed more through their activities.
The primary qualifying diagnosis for Roundup claims is Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, along with many subtypes of this cancer. A list of the subtypes is below. Notably, the subtype Multiple Myeloma is a DISQUALIFYING diagnosis.
A thorough and well defined screening process is the key to weeding out those who do not qualify or are just looking for a payout from a highly publicized case.